Uffe Elbæk - Fotograf Steen Brogaard

Uffe Elbæk

Former Member of the Folketing, The Alternative

Former Minister

Uffe Elbæk, born June 15th 1954 in Ry.
Member period
Parliamentary career
Author of »Et liv« (A life), 2022, »Ledelse på kanten«, (Leadership on the Edge), 2010, »KaosPilot fra A to Z«, 2001 and 2006, »KaosPilot A–Z« (English edition), 2003, and »KaosPilot – en personlig beretning om en skole, en uddannelse og et miljø«, (KaosPilot – a Personal Account of a School, a Course of Education and an Environment), 1998. Contributor to »Robustness« by Mika Aaltonen, 2010, »Den Store Danske Encyklopædi«, 2002, »Opbrud på midten« (Departure from the Centre), 2002, »Kompetence Guldet« (Competence Gold), 2000, »From idé to projekt - Håndbog om Kulturprojekter« (From Idea to Project – a Manual on Cultural Projects), 1998, and »Kulturliv – en håndbog« (Cultural Life – a Manual), 1991.

Politikens dialogpris (dialogue award, awarded by Danish daily newspaper Politiken), 2019.
Folkemødets dialogpris (dialogue award) at Denmark’s Democratic Festival, 2016.
Ting-prisen (Altinget’s award for political communication), 2015.  
Den regionale Janteknuserpris (The Regional Prize for Combating the Tall Poppy Syndrome) 2002.
Knight of the Order of Dannebrog 2001. 
Map of Creativity 2001.
Carl Bro's Inspiration Award 2000.

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Latest update: [10.08.2022]
Editor: Biografiredaktionen