Per Stig Møller, Det Konservative Folkeparti - Fotograf Steen Brogaard

Per Stig Møller

Former Member of the Folketing, The Conservative Party

Former Minister

Per Stig Møller, born August 27th 1942 in Frederiksberg, son of former minister Poul Møller and journalist Lis Møller.
Member period
Parliamentary career
Author of such works as »Malte-Bruns litterære kritik og dens plads i transformationsprocessen mellem klassicisme og romantik i fransk litteraturhistorie 1800-1826« (Malte-Brun's Literary Criticism and its place in the Transformation Process between Classicism and Romanticism in French Literary History 1800-1826), 1973, »Erotismen« (Erotism), 1973, »På sporet af det forsvundne menneske« (On the Trail of the Vanished Person), 1976, »Livet i gøgereden« (Life in the Cuckoo's Nest), 1978, »Orwells håb og frygt« (Orwell's Hope and Fear), 1983, »Nat uden daggry« (Night without Dawn), 1985, »Historien om Estland, Letland og Litauen« (The Story of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), 1990, »Kurs mod katastrofer?« (Course towards Catastrophes?), 1993, »Den naturlige orden« (The Natural Order), 1996, »Spor« (Traces), 1997, »Magt og Afmagt« (Power and Powerlessness), 1999, »Munk« (Munk), 2001, and »Mere Munk« (More Munk), 2003, »Samtale fremmer forståelsen« (Dialogue promotes understanding), with Michael Bremerskov Jensen, 2010, »Kaj Munk, digter, præst og urostifter« , 2014 and »Aldrig skal Danmark dø«, 2015.
Has received a number of Danish and foreign awards, medals and decorations, including the Georg Brandes Award, the Rosenkjær Award, the Raoul Wallenberg Medal, the Robert Schuman Medal, Commander of 1st class of the Order of Dannebrog, Chevalier 'des Arts et des Lettres' (F.A.L.3.), the Nersornaat Medal of Merit in gold, Grand Croix de l'Ordre de la Couronne de Chêne (Luxembourg), Grand Cross of the Order of the Southern Cross (Brazil), the Lithuanian Grand Cross of the Order for Merits and the Estonian Terra Mariana Order 1st class.
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Latest update: [10.02.2020]
Editor: Biografiredaktionen