Bertel Haarder - Fotograf Steen Brogaard

Bertel Haarder

Former Member of the Folketing, The Liberal Party

Former Minister

Bertel Geismar Haarder, born September 7th 1944 in Rønshoved, son of high school principal Hans Haarder and Agnete Haarder. Married to Birgitte, née Præstholm. The couple has four children.

Member period
Parliamentary career

Author of Bertels Bedste – sange og fortællinger fra Borgen (The Best of Bertel – songs and narratives from the Danish Parliament), »Op mod strømmen - med højskolen i ryggen« (Against the tide – backed by the Danish folk high school), 2012, »Den bløde kynisme« (Soft Cynicism), 1997, »Lille land, hvad nu?« (Little Country – What Now?), 1994, »Slip friheden løs« (Release Freedom), 1990, »Grænser for politik« (Limits to Politics), 1990, »Midt i en klynketid« (In a Time of Whining), 1980, »Danskerne år 2002« (The Danes in the Year 2002), 1977, »Den organiserede arbejdsløshed« (Organised Unemployment), 1975, »Institutionernes Tyranni« (The Tyranny of the Institutions), 1974  and »Statskollektivisme og Spildproduktion«, (State Collectivism and Surplus Production), 1973.

Co-author of the Liberal Party's EU programme, 2001, The human rights report of the European Parliament, 1998-1999, »Ny-liberalismen – og dens rødder« (New Liberalism – and its Roots), 1982, »Kampen om gymnasiet« (The Struggle for the Upper Secondary School), 1982 and the Liberal Party's policy programme, 1979.


Order of the White Rose (Finland), 2020
Großes Goldenes Ehrenszeichen mit dem Stern (Austria), 2020
Grand Cross, Order of the Falcon (Iceland), 2017
Grand Cross, Order of the Dannebrog (Denmark), 2017
Commander, First Class, Order of the Polar Star (Sweden), 2015
Æreshåndværker (honorary award) awarded by Håndværkerforeningen i Kjøbenhavn (an association of SMEs in Copenhagen), 2015
Jon Sigurdsson-prisen (Icelandic freedom award), 2014
Grand Cross, Order of Merit (Norway), 2014
Carl Hammerichs Mindelegat (Norway), 2014
Den Berlingske Fonds Hæderspris (honorary award), 2013
Letterstedts Fortjenstmedalje (Sweden), 2013

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Latest update: [29.08.2022]
Editor: Biografiredaktionen