The European Affairs Committee

The European Affairs Committee controls the government's EU policies. The European Affairs Committee was created in 1973.


Purpose and Responsibilities

Control of the government’s EU policy is the European Affairs Committee’s most important task. The parliamentary control with the government’s EU policy is very important in Denmark, because Denmark typically has minority governments. In the European Affairs Committee, the government must ensure that there is not a majority against their policies.

Topics that are discussed in the Council of Ministers meetings in the EU will be presented to the European Affairs Committee, before a vote in Brussels. The meetings are held by the Council of Ministers and are the most important on the European Affairs Committee’s agenda.

Ministers receive a mandate from the European Affairs Committee

Before a minister goes to Brussels to make a decision, they have to meet with the Parliament’s European Affairs Committee and submit a negotiation paper to the committee.
The minister presents the government’s view on a case and discusses the matter with the Committees’ members. A negotiation proposal has been approved when it has been determined that there is not a majority against the minister’s proposal.

Orientation of the committee

In the European Affairs Committee, the number of members of each party represent the number of seats the party has in the Parliament. In that way, the committee’s opinion on the ministerial negotiating statement also expresses the entire Parliament’s position.

Visitors from other countries

Representatives from other countries, such as ministers, European commissioners and other politicians, visit the European Affairs Committee every year.

The purpose of the visit is to give the committee international input to the work. The European Affairs Committee also meets with the Danish members of the European Parliament.

Study trip and international meetings

The European Affairs Committee primarily takes trips outside of Denmark for their study trips. The trips are a source of knowledge and inspiration for members of the committee.

The European Affairs Committee often travels to: The country in the EU that holds the Presidency, countries seeking admission into the EU and countries of interest.

Open meetings and hearings

The majority of the committee’s meetings are open to the public and can be attended or followed on the internet. Additionally, organisations and citizens have the opportunity to take part in the European Affairs Committee, if they wish to advise the committee on a topic within their area of expertise.
Website of the European Affairs Committee

The EU Reform Group

In June 2020, the Danish Parliament’s European Affairs Committee established a special EU Reform Group to investigate how the Danish Parliament can increase its influence on and parliamentary scrutiny of EU policy. The EU Reform Group presented its recommendations in a report dated 13 October 2021.
Introduction to The EU Reform Group Report Brief summary of The EU Reform Group Report

Updated: [2021-12-15]
Editor: EU Information Centre