Esben Lunde Larsen - Fotograf Steen Brogaard

Esben Lunde Larsen

Former Member of the Folketing, The Liberal Party


Esben Lunde Larsen, born November 14th 1978 in Skjern, son of farmer Knud Helge Larsen and office assistant Anna Grethe Larsen.
Member period
Parliamentary career
Author of: »Var Menneske Først og Kristen så en mageløs opdagelse?« in 'Menneske først - og hvad så?' (Was Man First and Christian Second a Unique Discovery? in Man First and So What?), Vartovbogen 2011/2012. »Frihed for Loke saavelsom for Thor - N.F.S. Grundtvigs syn på åndelig frihed i historisk og aktuelt perspektiv« (Freedom for Loke as well as for Thor - N.F.S. Grundtvig's view on spiritual freedom in a historical and actual perspective), Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, 2012. »Forfulgte kristne - en folkelig, kirkelig og politisk opgave« (Persecuted Christians - a popular, religious and political task), 2014. »An Ongoing Influence - The Political Application of Grundtvig's Ideas in the Debate on Danish Society 2001-2009« in »Building the Nation - Nikolai Grundtvig and Danish National Identity«, 2014. Editor of »Fri, friere, Grundtvig«, (Free, Freer, Grundtvig) Forlaget Vartov, 2011.
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Bills, speeches and questions
The Administration of the Danish Parliament records data regarding the Danish Parliament's parliamentary documents. The Administration of the Danish Parliament also records Members' names and the dates they speak in the Chamber, put questions to the Ministers and submit Bills. This information is linked via the individual Member's page to the matters, in which the Member has been involved.
Appointments and financial interests
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Listed Members are obliged to report new and amended information to the Legal Services Office not later than one month after the new information becomes available, after which time the Legal Services Office updates the records. The Legal Services Office sends listed Members an annual request to renew their consent to listing. If you have questions regarding appointments records, please call the Legal Services Office on +45 3337 3112.
Portrait photographs
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Latest update: [10.02.2020]
Editor: Biografiredaktionen